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Email Encryption

RMail specializes in security and compliance with its top-rated email encryption, auditable proof-of-privacy compliance, and certified e-delivery services.

RMail® email encryption makes it easy to encrypt sensitive email and attachments for security or regulatory compliance. RMail automatically delivers encrypted with the simplest user experience for each recipient and provides manual or automated options for delivery using different levels of encryption or different recipient experiences.

RMail email encryption also includes a one-click, bi-directional encrypted reply option for recipients and returns a Registered Receipt™ email record to the sender, serving as auditable proof of data privacy compliance (i.e. HIPAA, GDPR) on a message-by-message basis.

RMail encryption goes far beyond basic TLS and link-retrieval systems.


  • RMail automatically detects the best method of delivery to each recipient to dynamically provide each recipient the simplest user experience without need to register or click links to retrieve a message.
  • RMail includes predictive technologies to automatically encrypt messages based on message content or structure.
  • RMail adapts the message transmission method based on message size, for messages over a pre-determined threshold.


Most users default to RMail dynamic encryption where the message is first attempted to be sent using secure Transmission Encryption, and if the level of security available is not adequate (minimums set by sender), the transmission dynamically reverts to secondary Message Level Encryption.

Outbox-to-Inbox Protection:

RMail includes options, on a message-by-message basis, or based on content policy automation, to force Message Level Encryption (AES 256-bit encrypted PDF) from the sender’s Outbox to and inside the recipient’s Inbox. There are a variety of settings and password delivery options.

Encrypted Reply:

Each sent message includes a one-click option for the recipient to reply and upload up to 200 MB of attachments per reply, so they return to the sender using the same encryption method as the original sent message.

Auditable Proof of Privacy Compliance:

RMail encrypted email returns a Registered Receipt™ email record that serves as an audit-ready forensic proof record of GDPR and HIPAA privacy compliance.

Endless Configurations:

RMail encryption includes a variety of encryption methods, policy rules, compliance tracking, delivery tracking, branding, and other options. Ask to learn more!

To watch a technical video about RMail email encryption, click here.

Developers may build the patented RMail® email encryption and Encrypted Registered Email™ services into their applications using email routing rules or the RMail REST API; and may retrieve the message delivery status and Registered Receipt™ proof records via email routing rules or REST API.

Contact an RMail integration specialist to learn how to integrate RMail into your platform, messaging systems or business operations.