Our Tech Platforms

At RPost, we deliver our services to our customers via our main cloud-based technology platforms:

RMail Logo

RMail® AI-infused e-security, secure and certified email, and

RSign Logo

RSign® eSignature and web forms process automation.

Bonnie Brown Deputy Treasurer

The RMail® e-security platform provides customers an all-in-one integrated experience to track, prove, e-sign, encrypt, certify, comply, share, protect, and control email and e-documents before sending, in transit, and after, while at rest at the recipient.

  • RMail specializes in Registered Email™ and Registered Encryption™ services that add value for senders by tracking and certifying proof of email delivery, content and timestamps, proof of fact of encrypted compliant delivery of email, and court-accepted third party authentication of who sent what to whom and when.
  • RMail makes electronic signature convenient and easy to record a recipient’s agreement, annotations, or click-consent. And, through RMail, one can access RSign, RPost’s advanced eSignature services with just one click.
  • RMail includes managed file transfer services with tracking and security. Simply attach up to 1GB of files and send using an easy drag-and-drop web interface.
  • RMail E-Security AI protects from human errors that can lead to data leaks, and it automates privacy compliance and content security all via a suite of email security services that run in the background. This protects against the most sophisticated impostor emails and cyber-criminal trickery.
  • RMail document-level digital rights management services build access controls, security, and interactive insights directly into documents, transforming them into a rights-controlled RDoc™ en route to recipients. Senders can, after transmission, prevent further reading, purge the entire transmission record and document content, and gather visibility as to who read what document and when; and more.
Nicole Stiller Global E Sign Leder

The RSign® electronic signature platform makes it easy to prepare and securely send any document to be signed electronically by anyone, anywhere, and on any device. RSign includes many modules that cater to specialized industry automation, geographic security, or compliance needs. Here are some key features:

  • RSign Reusable Templates make it easy to create a guided fill and eSign user experience that can be set up once and re-used with advanced logic that makes the signing experience dynamically simple. Senders can use one-time, re-use, or upload lists of signers and send for eSignature in bulk.
  • The RSign Security & Compliance package provides the sender with audit-ready details of proof of privacy, regulatory (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA), retention and purge, as well as security and identity compliance.
  • RSign Industry Packages provide enhanced user controls that conform to regulated industry needs, specialized industry processes, or international geographic legalities, such as FDA pharma, SBA lending, or GDPR privacy, and E-IDAS authentication requirements.
  • RSign’s RForms powerful web forms transform any existing document or PDF form into a dynamic web-based form with fill-in and export fields and rules available to share through email, text messages, website portals, or in other ways through a generated static web link of the form itself.