RSign for Zapier

RSign for Zapier

App Overview:

RSign® for Zapier enables businesses to seamlessly automate their eSignature workflows across thousands of applications—without coding. Whether you need to send eSignature requests, track document status, or store signed agreements automatically, RSign for Zapier simplifies the entire process.

Specifically, RSign for Zapier allows you to:

  • Send eSignature requests directly from your connected apps using RSign Templates and Rules.
  • Retrieve signed documents and automatically store them in your preferred cloud or CRM platform.
  • Monitor the status of eSignature requests and envelopes in real-time.
  • Customize workflows to trigger eSign requests when certain conditions are met.
  • Use RSign Webhooks to trigger automated processes based on eSignature events.
  • Ensure compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, eIDAS, and other industry standards.

RSign and eSignatures by RPost® have a proven track record of serving businesses and government agencies in over 100 countries worldwide.

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How it Works:

To automate eSignature workflows with RSign for Zapier:

  1. Connect RSign to Zapier by signing in to Zapier, selecting RSign as an action step, and authenticating your RSign account.
  2. Create a Zap by setting up a workflow with a trigger from your preferred app (e.g., Salesforce, Google Drive, or Dropbox).
  3. Select an RSign Action to send documents using Templates or Rules, retrieve eSign status, or retrieve signed documents.
  4. Configure Workflow Settings by defining how documents and statuses are tracked, stored, or triggered within your Zapier workflows.
  5. Test and Publish the Zap by running a test to ensure successful automation before activating it.
  6. Monitor and Optimize Workflows by keeping track of eSignature transactions through RSign’s real-time tracking and reporting.

Customer Stories

National Storage Affiliates’ SecurCare Self Storage

Legal Tech

We’re helping National Storage Affiliates’ SecurCare Self Storage & iStorage modernize its tenant interactions to improve the tenant experience.

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Towne Storage Management

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We’re helping Towne Storage ensure its tenants are informed when it comes to protecting their precious personal property.

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All Storage

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We’re helping All Storage modernize its tenant communications, empowering them to optimize business operations and improve tenants connections.

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App Info


RSign for Zapier 1.0.1

Languages Supported:

App Language:

RSign interface languages: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish. Zapier interface language, all languages supported by Zapier.

Service Language (Messages, Receipts, etc.):

Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish.

Minimum Requirements:

Operating System Any
Browsers Any
Browser Version Latest
Deployment company-wide deployment
Updates Automatic upgrades
Requirements Valid RSign and Zapier licenses
Licensing Per user, shared group of users, or usage-based