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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping Centennial Bank in their mission to provide more financial resources to their clients in need, safely, securely, and swiftly.

And we’ve been with them since 2018.

RMail. For Finance. Bank and Credit Union

RMail Logo
Factoring and Asset Based Lending
Arkansas and Southeastern United States

Primary Use

RMail Registered Email e-delivery proof for notices of assignment associated with factoring receivables and asset-based lending.

Watch Raine Munson’s full panel session at Optimize! FinTech (click here)

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When we get new debtors on, we send out an RMail. It’s so much easier than what we were doing before [with] green card receipts.

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Raine Munson

Raine Munson

Business Manager Processor, Centennial Bank

Main Benefit

Centennial Bank is a bank that has optimized its receivables factoring and asset-based lending processes by using RMail Registered Email services for assurance that funds are properly paid to Centennial Bank according to a factor notice of assignment. This provides greater assurance for Centennial Bank’s loans outstanding.

Centennial Bank reports the main benefits of RMail services as:

  1. Legal and Auditable Proof. Assurance, confidence, and peace of mind. RSign® makes it easy to view and rely on the Signature Certificate for electronic signature tracking, a forensic audit trail, and sent and signed content and timestamp information. A robust record of who signed what when provides confidence that the eSignature process and record will stand up to scrutiny if ever challenged in the future. Legal Proof®.
  2. Peace of mind, end-user visibility of successful delivery for important messages, with proof. RMail® Registered Email™ services makes delivery and open tracking visible to the sender, providing assurance and peace of mind that important email was successfully delivered. This is returned in the self-authenticating Registered Receipt™ e-record, making it easy to resolve disputes – as easy as forwarding this receipt to any questioning party. The receipt is a self-contained forensic record, eliminating the need to scour server logs to try to investigate and present delivery evidence.
  3. Cost savings with less paper, mail, postage, and administrative time. RMail® Registered Email™ services replace printing, postage (first class, receipt, and certified mail), scanning, faxing, administrative work and other hard costs. Businesses can send required notices with proof of content delivered and timestamped.

Also Know More About Email Encryption


Centennial Bank uses RMail within the RMail Online interface to send critical communications — notices of assignment and others — to support its asset-based lending and factoring business. Centennial Bank automates using the RMail. This makes it easy and automated for staff to send email in compliance and with e-security, receiving a returned proof of e-delivery record. For each message sent, a Registered Receipt email record is automatically returned providing proof of e-delivery compliance.

Centennial Bank is a dynamic financial cooperative providing secure savings and affordable loans for members over the past 20 years.

Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.