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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping Shaddock National Holdings and their customers identify and prevent financial damage. Staying safe and protected in a digital world where cybercriminals get more and more sophisticated.


RMail Gateway™ & Email Eavesdropping™. For Real Estate. National Title and Escrow Growth.

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Real Estate
Title & Escrow Insurance Agencies
United States
RMail Gateway™

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RMail Gateway™ with Email Eavesdropping™ Alerts

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After extensive research and evaluation, RPost was selected to replace one of the top leaders in the email encryption industry at a number of Shaddock National Holding companies. RPost stood out for its innovative and rapid approach to customizing a solution for potentially detecting external BEC activity.

With lightning speed, RPost developed and deployed a customized solution based on our wish list for detecting possible anomalous email activity within our business and customer network. This groundbreaking feature was not available from any other email encryption vendor, making RPost the ideal choice to partner with. In just a few months, RPost exceeded our expectations and turned our wish list into a reality.

With RPost's advanced eavesdropping technology, Shaddock National Holdings now has a crucial new tool in our arsenal to detect and thwart wire fraud attempts before they can cause any harm. We are thrilled to have found such a forward-thinking and innovative partner in RPost, who has transformed our email encryption strategy and provided us with a game-changing solution to protect our business and customers.

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Jeff Richardson

Chief Information Officer at Shaddock National Holdings

Main Benefits

Extended Protection: RMail’s Email Eavesdropping™ alerts not only protect Shaddock National Holdings from falling prey to social engineering attacks (BEC, wire fraud, vacant lot fraud); but they also spot security breaches beyond their own email borders, at their recipient and beyond.

Powerful Insights: RMail technology alerts IT of cybercriminal impostor lures that aim at cutting them out of the communication, resulting in their recipient miswiring funds meant for Shaddock National Holdings, to cybercriminals.

Automated Privacy Compliance: RMail SMART encryption engine automatically detects which emails should be encrypted based on Shaddock National Holdings’s policies and applies the right encryption method en route. This gives the IT department’s of Shaddock National Holdings peace of mind by eliminating human error, and improves operational efficiency by removing the need for user training.

Know More: Email Encryption


RMail Gateway™ allows Shaddock National Holdings for easy-to-use automatic encryption and compliance, achieved by complex email routing rules. The customizable gateway service ensures secure sending and verifiable delivery.   

By adding the advanced Eavesdropping™ technology to the RMail Gateway™ Shaddock National Holdings has the perfect outbound security tool. PRE-Crime™ targeted attack defense preemptively detects the most sophisticated in-progress Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks, within their company, their clients and beyond, accurately detecting anomalous activities with outbound email and preventing cybercrime.

RMail's Active Tracker™ AI-infused technology allows Shaddock National Holdings to actively monitor outbound email activity by IP, providing valuable information on who is reading emails, where they are being read from, on what devices, if a VPN is used and more. If hazardous activity is detected, RMail instantly delivers an Email Eavesdropping™ alert to their IT admins to pre-empt any damage. 

Shaddock National Holdings is growing the largest network of independently owned title insurance agencies in the United States!

Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.