Document Tracking

Secure Documents & Secure Sharing

What is a Document Tracking System?

A document tracking system is a software tool or platform designed to help individuals or organizations manage and monitor the flow of documents within their business processes. It allows users to create, edit, and share documents while offering capabilities like tracking and monitoring the document's status, including when it was created, who has accessed it, and any changes made. This system helps users maintain an accurate record of the document's lifecycle and status, boosting workflows efficiently and improving their overall productivity.

Document tracking systems often include features such as document version control, access control, audit trails, and notifications to keep users informed of any changes. They are valuable in numerous industries, including legal, healthcare, finance, and government, where managing and tracking confidential documents is critical to success.

Why Should You Track Documents?

Document tracking is essential for any organization that regularly handles large document volumes. It could include contracts, agreements, invoices, proposals, or any other important document that needs tracking throughout its lifecycle.

One of the primary benefits of document tracking is improved efficiency. A document tracking system allows businesses to create, edit, and share documents easily, eliminating the need for manual document management processes. It adds to the efficiency of the workflow during and after the document tracking process saving a significant amount of time and resources and allowing business employees to focus on more vital tasks.

Another benefit of document tracking is improved productivity. Users can quickly see the status of documents; who has accessed them; and when, where, and how changes were made, allowing them to streamline workflows and reduce errors.

Document tracking is also essential for accuracy. A document tracking system enables businesses to maintain an accurate record of the lifecycle of each document, including the owner, access, times of visit, and who, where, and when. This information can be critical in a dispute or legal challenge, enabling businesses to demonstrate that they have followed the proper procedures and have a clear record of all document-related activities.

Finally, document tracking can help businesses to meet regulatory compliance requirements. Many industries are subject to regulations that require them to maintain accurate records of all documents related to their business activities. A document tracking system can help businesses to meet these requirements seamlessly.

Key Features of a Document Tracking System

  1. Version control: Keep track of different versions of the same document, allowing them to compare changes and ensure that the most up-to-date version is in use.
  2. Access control: Document tracking systems often include access controls to ensure that only authorized individuals can access and make changes to the document.
  3. Audit trails: An audit trail records the history of changes made to a document, providing a record of who made the changes and when.
  4. Notifications: Users can receive notifications when a document has been edited, a new version has been created, or a specific action has been taken.
  5. Search functionality: This feature allows users to easily search for specific documents based on keywords, tags, or other criteria.
  6. Reporting: Document tracking systems often include reporting features that provide insights into document usage, user activity, and other metrics.
  7. Integration with other tools: Document tracking systems can integrate with other tools and platforms, such as project management software or email clients, to streamline workflows and improve productivity.

How To Use a Document Tracking Software?

  1. Determine your needs: Identify the specific requirements and features you need from a document tracking system. This may involve assessing your current document management processes, identifying pain points, and determining the most beneficial features.
  2. Choose a system: Research and compare different document tracking systems to find one that best meets your needs. Consider factors such as cost, ease of use, scalability, and the availability of features you require.
  3. Set up the system: Once you have chosen a system, set it up according to your needs. This may involve creating user accounts, setting access permissions, configuring notification settings, and setting up integrations with other tools.
  4. Import documents: Add your existing documents to the system. This may involve uploading documents from your computer, scanning paper documents, or integrating with other document management systems.
  5. Track and monitor documents: Use the system to track and monitor the documents in real-time. This may involve creating new versions, assigning tasks, reviewing audit trails, and generating reports.
  6. Collaborate with others: Use the collaboration features of the document tracking system to work with others on documents. This may involve sharing documents with team members, reviewing and editing documents together, and assigning tasks to specific team members.
  7. Maintain the system: Regularly review and maintain the system to ensure it continues to meet your needs. This may involve updating settings, adding new features, or troubleshooting issues.