Electronic signatures for use within financial services, insurance, sales proposals and contracts, NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements), employment offer and appointment letters, scope or statements of work, equipment leasing, legal, human resources, purchase and procurement, real estate, and property management industries and functional areas, among other uses.
Watch full video of Ben Mitchell discuss RMail and RSign with cleanDocs at Optimize!2020.
VP of Global Commercial Ops, DocsCorp
Generally, the following criteria must be met for electronic signature validity in all nine Australian jurisdictions – New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory and the Australian Commonwealth Government:
Use of RSign, RMail, and RForms electronic signature services in their standard service implementations meet the standards for legal electronic signatures in Australia. RSign, RMail, and RForms eSignatures return a robust forensic audit trail and use cryptography to logically associate and digitally seal the original document sent for electronic signature with Internet forensics associated with each signer, the signed copy, and uniform timestamps of each step of the process. The RSign, RMail, and RForms cryptographic seals render the e-sign record with its certified electronic signature certificate and/or Registered Receipt™ email record, an authenticable proof record.
Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (ETA) governs the validity and use of electronic signatures in Australia. Almost all electronic documents related to business transactions are admissible legally with electronic signatures.
While employing electronic signatures, organizations in Australia should follow the requirements with regards to ETA:
Most deeds executed in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia are required to be witnessed, so the validity of electronic signatures for deeds in these states is not applicable.
In Western Australia, Northern Territory, New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania, enduring Powers of Attorney should be witnessed.
Wills cannot be executed by electronic signatures without any exemptions in Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania.
Australian Electronic Transactions Act of 1999
Disclaimer: Neither RPost nor its affiliates provide legal opinions. The information on RPost and its affiliates and products websites is for general information purposes only and is not intended to serve as legal advice or to provide any legal opinions. Laws and regulations change from time to time and neither RPost nor its affiliates guarantee that all of the information on RPost and its affiliates’ websites are current, correct, or with sufficient detail for the purpose of each reader. You should consult your legal counsel for specific jurisdictional details and other issues.