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Configure an eSignature template

This is best suited when the sending organization prefers to configure forms and templates with e-sign rules, logic, dependencies, reminders, encryption, and more.

  1. Authenticate sending server with RSign system

    1. Authenticate sender address with RSign (IP authentication, domain verification, SPF, and DKIM set up).

  2. Authorize sending address with RSign service plan for sending address.

  3. Create eSign Template

    1. Use RSign web interface or iFrame RSign Create interface into sending application

    2. Upload form

    3. Drag-and-drop fields, rules, settings

    4. Save as a template

    5. Generate a static link for the template

    6. In sending application, embed the RSign static link into the message

    7. Create process for sending to desired signers

  4. Prepare for return signed contracts and data reports.

    1. Sending organization whitelist RSign servers.

    2. Ensure sender address mailbox has storage and archive rules for volumes of return contracts.

  5. Receive Transaction Data

    1. Use REST APIs or iFrame RSign web interface to view transaction status

    2. Use REST APIs to receive esigned PDF and enhanced meta data