
File Sharing Service Causes Waiver of Attorney Client Privilege

May 04, 2017 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

It seems innocent enough. Your attorney shares a few files by sending a link from their unprotected cloud storage account. They expect that you’ll only see the files that they intended to send. But there are huge risks to this approach. This behavior can result in the waiver of attorney client privilege.

EU’s GDPR: Bigger Than Macron or Le Pen

May 01, 2017 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

The biggest unifying force in Europe may be cybersecurity regulation. Despite Brexit and the wavering EU support in France, all 28 EU member states are implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which goes into effect in May, 2018.  GDPR will standardize cybersecurity across all 28 member states, including the UK, Brexit or not.

United Airlines and David Beckham — When Emails Leak

April 20, 2017 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

What do United Airlines and footballer David Beckham have in common? Disastrous leaked emails. In these recent cases, the leaked emails appear to be legitimate, though Beckham claims some of the leaked emails were “doctored.” But how do we know that leaked email messages discussed in news stories and tabloid columns are actually authentic?

Data Privacy Compliance Audits Target Small Businesses

April 13, 2017 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

As consumer awareness of data privacy issues increases, companies that don’t take their clients’ data privacy seriously are getting hit harder and harder. In healthcare, a Florida healthcare provider paid a $5.5 million fine (a HIPAA record) earlier this year for allowing more than 115,000 patient records to be improperly accessed and disclosed. Last year, […]

AT&T and Comcast hit the Motherlode with Internet Privacy Repeal

April 06, 2017 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

This week, the President approved a measure that removes internet privacy restrictions for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who connect millions of consumers and businesses to the Internet through wireline and wireless connections. Privacy advocates and late-night talk show hosts have voiced their outrage over this “internet privacy repeal”. But what is actually at stake?