Encryption Security

Simply Automate Privacy When It Comes to What Businesses Send Out of Their Organization.

November 22, 2019 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

The Art of The Possible – Legislating in An Apple and Amazon World Apple, Google and Amazon have adapted extremely complex technology to the consumer world; and have forever changed the perception of what is possible with technology.

256-bit AES Encryption to Protect Your Sensitive Emails and Attachments

December 19, 2019 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

The Chinese Don’t Need Impeachment Inquiries. They Have A Citizen Score China is becoming the first society to connect all the data from a vast array of digital surveillance technologies, with an aim to seemingly control the population. China’s communist party is developing a “citizen score” to incentivize “good” behavior, harnessing advances in artificial intelligence, […]

Anti-Whaling Detection Service that Runs Inside Microsoft Outlook

January 28, 2020 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Whaling Can Be a Grusome Affair It’s an election year, so it should come as no surprise that Russian military hackers are ramping up their efforts to wreak havoc on US elections. The NY Times reported on Jan 15 that hackers from a shadowy intelligence unit called GRU have been trying to gain access to Burisma, the […]

Use RMail Email Encryption when Sending Sensitive Financial Information

February 04, 2020 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Whaling Redux: Insurers Don’t Cover Whale Attacks Given the popularity of our piece on whaling last week, we thought we’d follow this up by looking back on a piece we ran in the early days of whaling about a fake CEO email that cost a company nearly half a million dollars (Tech Essentials recommended reading).

Anti-whaling and Automated Wire Fraud Protection from RMail

February 28, 2020 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Whale Eats Shark. Whale Eats Nurse. Whale Eats $1.2mm Killer whales occasionally hunt sharks. When they do, it can be ugly. In a recent whaling attack (This is not a nature article. We are referring to the very tricky type of email “spear-phishing” impostor email attack), the poser sent an email to one of the […]

Free Tech Tips on Easy eSigning and Email Encryption

March 13, 2020 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Not Free Toilet Paper or Hand Sanitizer, But Something That May Help Like you, our business team is hunkering down, working in their offices with closed doors or safely from home. This coronavirus looks like it is going to be very serious. After all, the last coronavirus pandemic (2009 H1N1) infected 1 in 5 people […]

Implementation Options with RMail Encryption – TLS, PKI, 256-Bit AES PDF?

December 14, 2010 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

With RMail service, the sender can opt to send encrypted messages by Message-Level Encryption, Transport Layer Encryption, or a combination. As such, there are four scenarios for encrypted transmission.  In all cases, the encrypted message is delivered direct to the recipient’s desktop; RMail never requires the recipient to visit a website to collect their email.

Simple Solutions to Solve Data Leaks and human Errors While Sending Emails

March 06, 2020 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Right Email, Wrong Recipient. No Problem. Recall The company travel agent, Leah, sometimes gets some really insightful inside information about her client company – sent to her accidentally. Fortunately, she is a trusted outside contractor and politely replies to her client, “I think you did not intend to send this to me.”

Free eSignature and Email Security

June 02, 2020 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Is Work from Home Here to Stay Permanently? Almost everyone around the world is working from home, due to the imposed lockdown to battle the Covid-19 pandemic. This arrangement has a lot of benefits for both employees and employers. But, will the work from home continue even after the lockdown restrictions are lifted?

Registered Email with Email Delivery Tracking

May 08, 2020 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Home email, the new normal for millions of Americans Today the Labor Department released a report that showed over 20 million jobs were lost in April alone, boosting the unemployment rate to nearly 15%. These are levels perhaps never seen by any living American. Even as people start to venture out to beaches and parks […]