Whaling is Flourishing, A $5 Billion Hacker Lottery Harpooning whales is (in most of the world) a thing of the past. This is good for the kind-hearted. But in the cyber world, harpooning “whales” is a thriving and fantastically profitable criminal profession.
Email Security Beyond the Soundbite The ubiquity of smart phones and their apps have reduced the attention span for the masses. People now expect their information in big fonts, nice colors, and pretty pictures.
Your Spit Is Your Real Government ID The DHS is using Congress’ “Real ID” Act of 2005 to require all US states to issue new, more robust IDs for air travel originating in the United States.
Not All TLS is Created Equal Many, many software service sales professionals throw around security phrases to make cyber security sound simple. Today, as technologies advance and threats get ever more sophisticated, encrypting email for privacy compliance is not getting simpler. The devil (hacker) is in the details.
Fake Facebook and Email Wow! What a beautiful vacation that friend of a friend posted in their Facebook account. It looks like the perfect family vacation; all smiles, all sun, some commentary about the perfect spot…
Google AMP Ends Email as A Record of Who Said What When Wow! It is strange that one still trusts a printed or PDF’d email as a record of who said what when. Microsoft did its best to make it clear that any email can be easily altered, with a few mouse clicks.
Today’s Hackers Target Executives with Simple Social Engineering Today’s hackers are more innovative. Rather than just running up charges on your credit card, they are looking to extort money in exchange for return of your private information or to limit their use of it. For insurance executives, private information often includes emails related to customers […]
Caution. What You Might Find When Posting Your DNA Online More than one in twenty Americans have voluntarily submitted their genetic code – the map of who they are personally and physically – to an Internet company. Most people were lured by cute TV ads creating curiosity about heritage.
Vacationing in The Bahamas? Leave Your Laptop at Home The constitution provides certain privacy rights. Attorneys and their clients generally enjoy extra protections on privacy with “privileged” correspondence. But what happens if the information is inadvertently exposed? There are all sorts of pitfalls that can expose your sensitive information. Here are some shocking ones.
Pig Latin, Russian Spies and Email Encryption With the recent media focus on cybersecurity, whether it is talk of Russian hackers scheming to influence US presidential elections, or the pervasive pressure to comply with GDPR or HIPAA (healthcare privacy regulations) or other consumer data privacy requirements, “encryption” is one of the solutions that is often […]
March 28, 2025
March 21, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 07, 2025
February 28, 2025