This week, the President approved a measure that removes internet privacy restrictions for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who connect millions of consumers and businesses to the Internet through wireline and wireless connections. Privacy advocates and late-night talk show hosts have voiced their outrage over this “internet privacy repeal”. But what is actually at stake?
by Deb Tesser, VP of Strategic Planning at Zola Media Does your firm sometimes struggle to get payments in the door? Have you considered evergreen retainers?
HBO’s Game of Threats How did a hacker get his hands on the latest script of Game of Thrones (GoT), episode 5, season 7? It was an email hack plain and simple. The good news? “We do not believe that our e-mail system as a whole has been compromised,” said HBO chairman and CEO Richard […]
Has Bitcoin Become Mainstream? The lure of remarketing may kill anonymity in crypto-currency transactions. Online shoppers paying with Bitcoin may have been expecting this crypto-currency to shield their identity. They may be disappointed to learn that merchants are not protecting their identity. In some cases, they are even selling it.
There is more than “fake news” circulating the Internet to promote propaganda or peddle “influencer” tastes. It’s time to face the potential reality of what you read…“Finstas” are fake Instagram accounts typically set up by US teenagers so that they can expose more “interesting” photos among their close friends and keep their real Instagram account […]
$4 Billion: The True Cost of a Data Breach Equifax has lost over $4 Billion or about 25% of its market value as well as the CEO, CIO and Chief Security Officer, following the data breach announced in early September. Over 50 class action lawsuits have already been filed against the Company and there may […]
The RPost team thanks you, our community of users, customers, partners, shareholders, and advocates, for another exciting year at RPost. Your support enables the RPost team to continue innovating for our customers, and to maintain RPost as a worldwide leader in cyber security, compliance, and productivity solutions.
Today’s NFL coaches are concerned that the new players being drafted are millennials and they will need to be treated differently – they report that football playmaking classroom training sessions need to be limited to 30 minutes, with breaks for the athletes to check their phones, text messages, and social media feeds.
Today’s Fake News will be “Quaint” by 2020 Turning the power of connectivity against itself, fake Facebook and other social media accounts were able to spew propaganda to millions of targeted individuals who were specifically identified by the capturing of personal data from Facebook apps and Google analytics. Who was responsible? We won’t get involved […]
Recent reports of the amazing eavesdropping power and home control Amazon’s Alexa has (similar to other voice-assistances) should not surprise. Its inherent in how these virtual assistants work.
February 13, 2025
February 07, 2025
January 31, 2025
January 24, 2025
January 17, 2025