
Send Registered Email that Returns Timestamped Proof of Delivery and Opening

August 31, 2017 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Millennials Bewitched by Email Millennials are, surprisingly, bewitched by email.  More than half of Millennials ages 18 to 24 check their email while still in bed in the morning, and 43% of Millennials ages 25 to 34 report doing the same thing. We were shocked to learn that Millennials prefer to check their email on a […]

Cryptocurrency Hack Attacks are a Growing Threat

August 25, 2017 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Has Bitcoin Become Mainstream? The lure of remarketing may kill anonymity in crypto-currency transactions. Online shoppers paying with Bitcoin may have been expecting this crypto-currency to shield their identity. They may be disappointed to learn that merchants are not protecting their identity. In some cases, they are even selling it.

RMail’s Anti-Whaling Technology that Alerts You When an Email Comes From an Imposter

August 21, 2017 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

HBO’s Game of Threats How did a hacker get his hands on the latest script of Game of Thrones (GoT), episode 5, season 7?  It was an email hack plain and simple. The good news? “We do not believe that our e-mail system as a whole has been compromised,” said HBO chairman and CEO Richard […]

How Should Businesses Safely Communicate About Sensitive Client Matters

August 14, 2017 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Panama Papers – A Second Look at Human Error The most consequential type of data leak may be the often openly colorful private correspondence between lawyer and client. This correspondence, if exposed, may be revealing as it contains attorney-client advice, dialog regarding strategies, financial, and legal consideration, as well as documents.

Anti-Whaling Email Imposter Protection Alerts Spear Phishing Messages

August 14, 2017 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Imposter Email Lures White House Staff Email Prankster Threatens National Security Why was the newly minted White House communications director, Scaramucci, fired? We don’t know for sure. But an examination of his emails would have shown that he spent the weekend responding to spear phishing emails purported to be sent from Reince Preibus, former White […]