With July 4th in the rear-view mirror, we’re now in peak summer season, which means baseball season. (I happen to love baseball and equate it with long summer nights, hot dogs, sprinklers, and days off from school.)
The $100 million “Hermès” Registered Email™ Message (& CLE Webinar That Tells More) What a deal! My favorite functional yachting sportswear at 70% off! Or so I thought. Nearly every successful product brand is facing a strange new competitor — their own “fake” self. Let me explain how this plays out.
Last week we highlighted two of the top five e-security human errors that can cause pain for professionals, so we’re here now to finish out the list. As you may recall, there are some mistakes that can be forgiven in the workplace (although microwaving leftover fish at 10 am is fairly borderline). However, there are those […]
In the annals of workplace mistakes, there is a hierarchy. At one level, there is the failure to make a fresh pot of coffee after finishing off the last carafe. Maybe one level up is when you decide that it’s a good idea to microwave (in the office kitchen at 10am) that leftover fish entrée […]
It Turns Out, Mars is Still Uninviting for Mere-Mortal Business Execs Last Thursday, RPost concluded the first ever business-tech conference held on Mars, Optimize! 2021 eSign E-Security. Due to limited spaceflight availability, RPost provided virtual Earth-links for attendees. Those RPost employees attending the conference on the Red Planet flew coach to pass the savings to […]
Texas State Bar has partnered with RPost to educate attorney members on how, when, and why to use RMail® services to track opening, record certified e-delivery proof, encrypt for client privacy, and send declarations for eSignoff. Powered by RPost’s Registered Email technology, RMail has been very popular among legal service professionals. Recently, more than 100 Florida-based law […]
5-Star Reviews for Sale! As Tech Essentials readers hunker down for holiday online shopping, it’s a good time to remind you what to consider before you make that final click to purchase. Do you trust the reviews you read online and believe all the comments when they are all overwhelmingly positive and the product has hundreds of […]
Looking Back at A Year of Optimizing 2020 has been a year nobody will forget any time soon, and it presented every one of us with unprecedented challenges in our personal and professional lives. At RPost, we sought to adapt to these new realities by offering solutions designed specifically to help you, the user or […]
When is Maradona’s New Album Coming Out? The Importance of Clear Communications in the WFH Era On a recent all-company call, one of our American colleagues (who is not very soccer-futbol-football-knowledgeable) was shocked to learn of the passing of Maradona, exclaiming “But she was just working on a new album!” Maybe the sound quality wasn’t […]
This posting should serve as a reference guide for process servers or lawyers who need to prove service by email. (1) Serve by email
February 28, 2025
February 25, 2025
February 21, 2025
February 13, 2025
February 07, 2025