With ‘real’ conferences now moving virtual, many will experience a variety of experimental formats. Tech Essentials heard overwhelming praise for Optimize!2020 eSign & E-Security, the global RMail & RSign user conference (the conference center, by the way, has been kept open by popular request – click here to enter). We thought we would share five insights gathered from organizers and […]
What is a “virtual conference” anyway? Is it a webinar? What about the receptions? April and May introduced the world to the growing potential of video web meetings. Some of the daring, agile businesses that had a slew of cancelled in-person conferences in Las Vegas, Orlando, and other conference cities have transitioned to virtual conferences.
Practicing Fake Eye Contact in Video Meetings There are some positive changes in human behavior accelerated by this current health crisis. One is easily being able to identify what a 6-foot distance looks like – or the measurements used in Canada (one hockey stick length) and in Florida (one alligator length). Another is the realization […]
Minor Adjustments, Major Benefit — Preview of Optimize!2020 Session on June 18 For the brave, this Coronavirus season has created opportunity to try “old” things in new ways. These minor adjustments can have major benefit. Here is one that is easy to try: Use emojis in your business email (yes, even you lawyers and bankers).
A Messi Situation: $800 Million Fax Misses Deadline, Should Have Used Email E-Delivery Proof Soccer/Futbol superstar, Lionel Messi, longed for a transfer after a humiliating Champions League knock out loss to Bayern Munich. Where to go from here? Paris? Manchester? Luckily, he built in a back-door exit clause in his contract where, if he notified […]
Messi Situation Redux: Regular Certified Mail Beats Burofax But Not by Much A couple weeks ago, we at Tech Essentials highlighted how Lionel Messi could have saved himself a lot of trouble and even more money by using the Registered Email™ service included in RMail®. Instead of using Burofax (somebody, please find these guys another name!) he […]
Spaghetti Should be for Dinner; Zoom Should be for Cars 2020 has taken a toll on all of us in one way or another. For those businesspeople who work from home, the pandemic has greatly exacerbated PowerPoint and zoom fatigue. Countless studies have shown that video conference interaction is not a proper substitute for in-person […]
No “October Surprises” at Our Optimize! FinTech Conference (Just Great Insights from Amazing Customers) We at Tech Essentials realize this has been a doozy of a week in terms of news—mostly political and mostly bad. For those who needed a respite from Tuesday’s chaotic debate and the torrent of election-focused headlines, we offered a live virtual […]
Have you, your staff, or a client ever sent an important email that the recipient claimed he or she did not receive? Over the next three weeks, Tech Essentials will explore common misconceptions about email delivery that will prepare you in case delivery of your (or a client’s) time-dependent email is disputed. Let’s get started […]
Most would agree that “who said what when” is at the centre of most disputes. In today’s email-centric world, many turn to their “Sent Folder” or “Inbox” to demonstrate who said what when. They may forward these emails to the people with whom they are in dispute, or may print the email to serve as […]
March 28, 2025
March 21, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 07, 2025
February 28, 2025