A quick program note for our regular readers: we’re interrupting our scheduled series on the best-in-class, scalable eSignature software that is RSign so that we can address some important current economic events…
You may wish you were one of the zombies from The Last of Us after a BEC attack. Previously on Tech Essentials, we introduced you to the cybercrime phenomenon initiated by Email Eavesdropping and ending in a mis-wire, in part 1 of a 3-part series we’re running.
Many people, nostalgic for their 90s-era email account passwords, are having (or already had) their emails hacked. I don’t mean to date myself (a lonely pursuit anyway), but I can remember having passwords in the 90s that were quaint by modern standards—in addition to being woefully inadequate to protect against today’s cybersleuths.
RMail is SMART technology that actively hunts attacks that are already underway so you can swiftly dismantle them before they strike. “War is politics by other means,” wrote the famous military theorist, Carl von Clausewitz, back in the early 19th century, which was a time when wars were fairly limited, low tech, and almost gentlemanly […]
RMail’s Lookalike Domain Detector Alerts a Sender after They Click Forward, Reply or Reply All–before the Email Is Sent Before we begin today’s tech tip, we first wholeheartedly thank all Veterans for their courage and commitment past and present. It is this, that gives us others the opportunity to worry about free society business risks, […]
From ALTA ONE, The Top 3 Peer Insights (We Took Notes for You) The American Land Title Association conference in San Diego (ALTA ONE) was quite an event – on beautiful Coronado Beach, white sand, and (unfortunately) more fog and rain than most expected for California-in-drought. We at RPost had a team of cybersecurity experts […]
Cutting costs while effectively adding superior services is the perfect inflation hedge. “It’s the economy, stupid!” This phrase gained fame from the political strategist, James Carville, who was trying to describe what voters cared about in 1992. We’re not even going to dip our toe into today’s political maelstrom; however, I could not help but […]
Get visibility into who may be watching your email so you can immediately re-establish your privacy. Netflix has scored a big hit with The Watcher, as the show has logged over 850 million viewing hours since it debuted a month ago. The Watcher tells a familiar story about a young family moving from the city […]
Only RMail offers features that can foil BEC attacks without “cry wolf” email stamps. We’ve talked a lot about the hydra of BEC (business email compromise) attacks recently due to the increasing share of these types of attacks within the universe of cybercrime that employ multiple techniques to lure users into sending money to the […]
The Face of Big Brother Changes, as do Wire Taps Back in the day, with Edward Snowden’s revelations about the NSA recording all our digital communications, it became apparent that George Orwell’s 1984 image of Big Brother was made manifest: Big Government.
March 28, 2025
March 21, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 07, 2025
February 28, 2025