Greetings from Lagos, Nigeria! I’m here to meet up with a very wealthy prince who is generously willing to share in his vast fortune with me if I can just “do the needful” and give him some innocuous information about myself.
Armand here again—this time from Langley, VA, home of the US Central Intelligence Agency. Why am I hanging out near the HQ of the world’s foremost spy organization? To make a point about how cybercrime vs cybersecurity is very much a cat and mouse, spy vs. spy affair.
Armand here again, RPost’s product evangelist. As I mentioned last week, while ringing in the Chinese and Lunar New Year, the Year of the Dragon, I got wind of the latest cybercriminal heist.
It’s been a great 2023 for some. For others, it’s been amazingly frustrating to see the cost of everything seemingly double from where things were a few years ago.
Dr. Suess created that grey fuzzy-haired creature many years ago, the Grinch, who stole Christmas. While not quite as cute and fuzzy as the Grinch, today’s cybercriminals are posing as a similar sounding nefarious activity, the Glitch.
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." This quote attributed to Socrates, while controversial, underscores the importance of humility in our quest for knowledge.
[If you are a routine kind of person, stop reading here. If you consider yourself to be less bland, I challenge you to read to the end.]
March 28, 2025
March 21, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 07, 2025
February 28, 2025