Biometric security is as old as fingerprints first being lifted from crime scenes. The idea, of course, is that there are certain unique biometric signatures we all have. Fingerprinting itself may go back as far as 1000 BCE when they were used instead of signatures on official documents in ancient China and Mesopotamia.
I have no idea how these ancient fingerprints were corroborated, but it wasn’t until around the turn of the 20th century that they were used to solve crimes. It was in 1892 in Buenos Aires where thumbprint evidence was first used in a homicide investigation.
In addition to fingerprinting, we now have a slew of other biometrics—retina, iris, voice, and even veins to name a few. Yes, these indicators are basically unique to each human, but the problem increasingly is that they can be hacked. Hacking (and this is an unfortunate use for the word in this case 😉) fingerprint ID in the past often involved severing hands and fingers from other (sometimes live) humans to place fingerprints at crime scenes.
In the fictional (but believable) 2002 sci-fi film, Minority Report, a crooked surgeon gives the on-the-lam main character eye replacements to throw off retinal/iris scans. So biometric security is only as good as the biometric indicator continuing to belong to its original, rightful owner.
These days, hacking biometrics often plays out less gruesomely. First, there are “deep fakes” or AI-generated renditions of face and voice that can mimic people nearly perfectly. Then there the lifted/stolen fingerprints that can be digitally scanned and printed onto latex gloves (Think I’m recounting another sci-fi movie? Read this article about how stolen fingerprints are used to empty bank accounts in India.)
At least with RDocs document security, you can detect if someone unexpected is attempting to access unauthorized files through RPost’s proprietary AI and permit RDocs to auto-disable unexpected access. Whether you later decide that sensitive document probably should not live a full life out-in-the-ether or in your colleague’s inbox; or you realize you accidentally sent sensitive content to the wrong recipient (quite popular these days), if it was sent as an RPD™ file attachment via RDocs, rest assured, you have total control of your document even while it is at the recipient. You can kill the document – make it self-destruct without a trace – or temporarily disable viewing, and more; all after the send or mis-send.
Know More: Document Control
No latex gloves, no sketchy eye surgery. All you need is RDocs.
RDocs is the only EDRM platform built on 20 years of leadership in email security and compliance and is a system that is easy enough for real people to actually use because we’ll never require readers to download, login, or have any special software!
Feel free to contact us to learn more about RDocs document security and how it can give you bliss and peace-of-mind the next time you need to send sensitive information over the internet.
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