You probably spent the bulk of your workweek wondering ‘where Armand will turn up Friday.’ If not, I understand 🤣 At any rate, I’ll end the suspense right here. I’m coming to you from the Black Forest in southeastern Germany—home of numerous fir trees and the distinctive (and delicious) chocolate and cherry cake that is one of my favorites.
It’s been a great 2023 for some. For others, it’s been amazingly frustrating to see the cost of everything seemingly double from where things were a few years ago.
Funny how holidays spring up, and people often forget their true origins or meaning. Halloween (the American version at least) has roots in the Salem, Massachusetts' puritan days of the 1600’s.
We’re building out an update of our LAX Los Angeles conference center and looking forward to inviting all those IT staffers the world over with whom we’ve been connecting via video meetings—but this time in person.
The next time you’re having a bad day (traffic, spilled coffee, didn’t get your full 8 hours of sleep, mixed up food delivery order), just think of what life was like for those living centuries ago in, say, medieval England.
One day when I’m retired, I may write a book called, The Truth Behind Marketing. In it will be all the secrets revealed for companies that pour so much budget into differentiating products that (under the hood at least) are virtually indistinguishable.
This article is the third of a four-part series on RSign and how its feature richness and affordability will get you best-in-class, scalable e-signature software that will save you a lot of time and money.
This article is the second of a four-part series on RSign and how its feature richness and affordability will get you best-in-class, scalable eSignature software that will save you a lot of time and money. This week, we focus on service…
Based on the popularity of our Email Eavesdropping™ series run over the last 4 weeks, we’re going to start up a new four-part series this week. We’ll be focusing on RSign and how it’s feature richness and affordability will get you best-in-class, scalable e-signature software that will save you a lot of time and money.
Finally, DRM that is easy enough to use without the burden of requiring readers to download, login, or have any special software. My Wharton friend recently told me about the “deal of the century”. He was offered to buy Aspen Highlands Ski Resort – the ski operations, National Forest ski terrain rights, and the base […]
March 28, 2025
March 21, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 07, 2025
February 28, 2025