Get Some Rest (for Your Files) for the Rest of Your Summer As we head into one of the summer’s final weekends, I’m doing the usual exercise of wondering where all the time went. This certainly was not a restful summer for the world what with Delta variants, ransomware attacks, record-setting wildfires and now hurricanes […]
Life on Mars Discovered to be Better with RPost I’m sitting here writing this as my chartered spacecraft hurtles towards Mars, gazing out the window to see that beautiful blue marble (Earth) recede into the blackness of space. I’m joining an advanced team of RMail and RSign product experts and customer success heroes, as we […]
Get SMART in 2021 Over the last decade or so, you’ve no doubt heard just about any appliance or electronic device marketed as being ‘smart’. We all know now about smart phones, and there are also refrigerators and dryers that are smart as well. As recently as three years ago, we began to hear about […]
How to Use the Force in Your Next Video Conference We at Tech Essentials were all saddened to learn of the death of David Prowse this week. He was the actor who played Darth Vader in the original Star Wars movies—though the character was actually voiced by James Earl Jones. Funny aside: you can watch the scenes where Prowse’s […]
The Advantages of Live (Without-a-Net) Virtual Conferences One of the biggest news items of the past week in the US was the Democratic party’s virtual convention held (mostly) in Milwaukee. Let me just get this out of the way: there will be no political commentary here—only observations about the format of the convention and how […]
What Sports Center “Top 10” Highlight Reels Mean to E-Learning As Remember the good old days when there was an abundance of live sporting events on television? The time slots for those big games may have been elusive. What to do? Set your DVR to record it. Settle down with a bag of chips later […]
With ‘real’ conferences now moving virtual, many will experience a variety of experimental formats. Tech Essentials heard overwhelming praise for Optimize!2020 eSign & E-Security, the global RMail & RSign user conference (the conference center, by the way, has been kept open by popular request – click here to enter). We thought we would share five insights gathered from organizers and […]
What is a “virtual conference” anyway? Is it a webinar? What about the receptions? April and May introduced the world to the growing potential of video web meetings. Some of the daring, agile businesses that had a slew of cancelled in-person conferences in Las Vegas, Orlando, and other conference cities have transitioned to virtual conferences.
Practicing Fake Eye Contact in Video Meetings There are some positive changes in human behavior accelerated by this current health crisis. One is easily being able to identify what a 6-foot distance looks like – or the measurements used in Canada (one hockey stick length) and in Florida (one alligator length). Another is the realization […]
Minor Adjustments, Major Benefit — Preview of Optimize!2020 Session on June 18 For the brave, this Coronavirus season has created opportunity to try “old” things in new ways. These minor adjustments can have major benefit. Here is one that is easy to try: Use emojis in your business email (yes, even you lawyers and bankers).
February 21, 2025
February 13, 2025
February 07, 2025
January 31, 2025
January 24, 2025