We at Tech Essentials are as much in the business of debunking common misconceptions as we are highlighting all the great new products coming out of RPost. So, in this spirit, I’d like to address an important question I once received from one of my children: Did pirates actually say “Arrr”? Although we can never know for sure, they probably didn’t.
[Re-live Tech Essentials webinar with The Florida Bar held on July 6 — Tech Essentials by Legal Fuel of The Florida Bar & RPost: How to Thwart Today’s Top Cyber Criminal Lures – Free CLE Credits Offered]
The stereotype of pirates saying “Arrr” comes from popular movie pirate actor, Robert Newton, who portrayed Long John Silver in the Disney film version of Treasure Island. Newton based his pirate talk on the modern dialect of his native West Country in southwestern England, which just happened to be where Long John Silver hailed from in the Treasure Island novel. Obviously, not all pirates came from this region, and none came from the 20th century, so we can be fairly certain now that a home-biased choice made by an actor from generations ago has colored almost everything we know about the way pirates talk.
It was far more likely that members of the British Royal Navy in Revolutionary times were routinely saying “Arrr”— the very ones that our founding fathers railed against in the Declaration of Independence first read in public 246 years ago on July 4th.
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Well, we’ve got a new “Arrr” for you this 4th of July!
After spending all your spare money on gas getting to and from the beaches and BBQs, you might be looking for ways to save after the holiday. Let’s just call it “Arrr-Migration” or just R-Migration.
In economic booms, people focus more on getting any tech they can to boost productivity and capture new revenue fast. Electronic signatures sure do this, but when the economy faces an impending hurricane (as Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan claims is happening), savvy businesses may need to re-think some of their costs.
Those business that did not start out with the much more affordable and feature rich RSign for eSignatures with all the needed integrations like Microsoft Office, Teams, iManage, Salesforce, etc., are now experiencing cost inflation for their eSignature service. As many of our competitors are raising prices on their already expensive services, we’re standing pat. A summer of gas rationing does not need to be a summer of eSign rationing.
So, RSign has launched its managed migration service (known colloquially as R-Migration) which makes it easy to switch your eSign service, all of your customized templates, and get you trained and up-to-speed as fast as possible. What’s more, it can be installed with the best in email and document security with RMail email security and RDocs document rights management security. Now, these are powerful Arrrs!
Happy (Almost) 4th of July. Hopefully, all of us Americans can put aside our differences for one day and eat a tasty hotdog while watching some fireworks.
Contact us to discuss how you can get started with R-Migrating to RSign (or perhaps better said, Arrr-Migrating to ArrRMail or ArrRSign) services today.
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