Webinar Triple Play Series on AI in Cybersecurity, eSignatures, and Auto-Un-Leak Technology.

Webinar Triple Play Series on AI in Cybersecurity, eSignatures, and Auto-Un-Leak Technology

August 02, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Watch our upcoming webinars, share with your teams.

Armand here, RPost’s armadillo product evangelist. Recently RPost announced its RPost ‘Intelligence’ initiative, infusing AI insights and security across all of its products, from email security, to secure file sharing, to document controls, to eSignatures. We have three educational webinars lined up, and I recommend you watch – and share with your teams. Enjoy… 

AI Meets Cybersecurity: Entering a Wave of Cybercriminal Impostor Chaos the World Has Never Seen:

AI is everywhere. This session will showcase how cybercriminals have found their “killer app” in AI, techniques that will blow your mind. It will discuss how Left Brain and Right Brain AI together can combat these risks that are here and now. Re-Live On-Demand: Recorded

AI Security Meets eSignatures

Join this product expert session on eSignatures to learn why IDC named RPost a worldwide leader in their eSignature MarketScape quadrant report (see chart here) and Aragon Research, another leading analyst, named RPost a worldwide leader in their recent Globe report for Digital Transaction Management (see chart here). Live August 6: Register

AI Can Now Auto-Un-Leak a Leaked Document

Join this product expert session for a first, the trigger of identified threat intelligence actively pre-empting data leak prevention (connecting two Zero Trust pillars). In this webinar, you will see how you can now automatically un-leak mis-sent documents or documents that your team may have shared that end up in someone else’s compromised email account or computer. You control your content wherever it is, regardless of other’s security mindset. Live August 8: Register