
How to Reduce Paper Consumption by Half – Save Time & Money

February 02, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Why every company on earth hasn’t made the switch to RSign is kind of unbelievable.

Armand the Armadillo, here again, your RPost product evangelist. In case you don’t know me, I joined the RPost team recently (read the full press release here). I’m from West Texas originally although I’m based out of the Costa Rica office (long story).

Prevent Human Error in Business Communications

January 26, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Let’s not get too nostalgic for human error just yet, especially when it comes to managing sensitive email and documents.

Armand the Armadillo, here again, your RPost product evangelist. With all this talk of AI creating “perfect” essays, playlists that “perfectly” divine what songs you will want to hear, and genetic tests that can “near perfectly” discern who your ancestors were, it makes me a little nostalgic for good-ole-human imperfection.

How to Make an Electronic Signature Easy and Affordable

January 19, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

In 15 minutes, RSign can save you 50% or more on your eSignatures.

I was on a red-eye flight recently where, as I’m sure you all know, getting any ounce of sleep can have a huge payoff in terms productivity for the next day.

Best eSignature Solution for Ease of Use, Security, and Legal Compliance

January 12, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

RPost’s new product evangelist mascot – Armand the Armadillo is here to show you how you can save 50% or more on your eSignatures.

We've been enjoying the creativity that some software companies have exemplified when they successfully infused mascots as product representations or product evangelists.

State of Ohio Investigated How to Provide “Service” and “Perfection” for Sending Email Regarding Administrative Hearings

January 05, 2024 / in Blog / by Zafar Khan, RPost CEO

Registered Email™ service is a must-have for those who need proof of compliance with notice or privacy requirements.

There is perhaps no more powerful human instinct than self-preservation. From avoiding fires, outrunning wild animals, hunkering down in caves, or just blaming a less-tenured coworker for a bad idea you had, our ability to escape danger has led our species to planetary dominance.